E rere ana te mihi a Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision ki a koutou Happy Holidays from Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision

19 Dec 2023

Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision wishes you and your whānau – including the family pets – a very happy holiday season. This year’s video is all about our favourite animals, drawn from home movies dating from the 1920s to the 1960s. You can watch and listen to thousands of other adorable animal items over the holidays on our online collection.

E rere ana te mihi a Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision ki a koutou. Kia ruiruia ko te hari me te hākoakoa, tēnā mātaki mai i tēnei kohinga, he kiriata mōkai, he kiriata runaruna hoki e tiro whakamuri ana ki ngā tau 1900. Kia tau iho ngā manaakitanga ki runga i a tātou katoa.