[Labour Party Battle]

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Nonfiction radio programs
Radio news programs
Radio programs
Sound recordings
Broadcast Date
12 Dec 1980
RNZ Collection
Marshall, Russell, 1936-, Interviewee
Rowling, Wallace Edward, 1927-1995, Interviewee
Hudson, Hilary, Presenter
Broadcasting Corporation of New Zealand (estab. 1976, closed 1988), Broadcaster

A Checkpoint report on the Labour Party leadership crisis, with the growth of support for Social Credit.

This afternoon [12 December 1980] the Labour Caucus held a meeting, where a motion of no confidence in Bill Rowling as leader of the party and as leader of the opposition, was passed. He is still leader. At a press conference afterward, Bill Rowling defended his style of leadership.

Russell Marshall, MP for Whanganui, is interviewed. He defends Mr Rowling, and gives his opinion on what started the leadership crisis. He comments on Keith Jackson's criticisms that the Labour Party is reactive, disorganised, and not on the offensive where it should be. Marshall says that people tend to overreact to polls, which currently show the Social Credit party taking second place away from Labour.

[This is probably the 'Labour Party Battle' programme which was a finalist for the David Inglis Memorial Award for radio journalism at the 1980 Radio Awards.]