Nau mai ki te pūranga taonga ataata-rongo o Aotearoa – Welcome to the audiovisual archive of Aotearoa New Zealand
Rapua te kohinga – Search the collection
Ka pupuritia, ka maimoatia hoki e mātou ngā taonga ataata-rongo o Aotearoa.
We store and cherish the stories, creativity and history of Aotearoa in sound and moving image.
Wellington Anniversary Day 2025
Newly uploaded footage of Te Whananui-a-Tara Wellington city.
E rere ana te mihi a Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision ki a koutou – Happy Holidays from Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision
Ngā Taonga wishes everyone a safe and happy holiday season. Kia haumaru, kia manahau i tēnei raumati.
Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision and Warner Bros. Discovery announce partnership
Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision and Warner Bros. Discovery announce partnership to preserve 35 years of Aotearoa news and current affairs history
Annual Report 2023-2024
Download our latest Annual Report.
Hackenschmidt-Rogers: The Great Wrestling Match
A newly preserved 1908 nitrate film stars the greatest wrestler of his time, George Hackenschmidt.
Her Father's Voice
Sound history researcher Sarah Johnston explores the story of a WWII sound disc, and how it enabled a woman to hear her father’s voice for the first time, 82 years later.
Celebrating 40 years of Te Māori
Ngā Taonga presents a collection of audio and moving image taonga to celebrate the 40th anniversary since the first opening of the revered Te Māori exhibition in 1984.
Ngā Taonga welcomes Richard Hulse, Chief Digital Officer
Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision are pleased to announce that Richard Hulse will be joining them in the position of Chief Digital Officer – Pou Matihiko from September.
Announcing our new Strategic Plan 2024-2030
Ngā Taonga releases its new strategic plan.