Nau mai ki te pūranga taonga ataata-rongo o Aotearoa – Welcome to the audiovisual archive of Aotearoa New Zealand
Rapua te kohinga – Search the collection
Ka pupuritia, ka maimoatia hoki e mātou ngā taonga ataata-rongo o Aotearoa.
We store and cherish the stories, creativity and history of Aotearoa in sound and moving image.
Tāngata Whenua - Tāngata Tiriti: Kotahitanga
Our 2025 Waitangi Day programme

Wellington Anniversary Day 2025
Newly uploaded footage of Te Whananui-a-Tara Wellington city.

E rere ana te mihi a Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision ki a koutou – Happy Holidays from Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision
Ngā Taonga wishes everyone a safe and happy holiday season. Kia haumaru, kia manahau i tēnei raumati.

Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision and Warner Bros. Discovery announce partnership
Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision and Warner Bros. Discovery announce partnership to preserve 35 years of Aotearoa news and current affairs history

Annual Report 2023-2024
Download our latest Annual Report.

Hackenschmidt-Rogers: The Great Wrestling Match
A newly preserved 1908 nitrate film stars the greatest wrestler of his time, George Hackenschmidt.

Her Father's Voice
Sound history researcher Sarah Johnston explores the story of a WWII sound disc, and how it enabled a woman to hear her father’s voice for the first time, 82 years later.

Celebrating 40 years of Te Māori
Ngā Taonga presents a collection of audio and moving image taonga to celebrate the 40th anniversary since the first opening of the revered Te Māori exhibition in 1984.