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Place of production
New Zealand/Aotearoa
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National Safety Water Council

This is a compilation of six water safety advertisements for radio broadcast on 2XP produced by the New Zealand Government Tourist Bureau. Studio re-enactments based at the beach, river and in the home.

1. As surf life savers rescue a swimmer in trouble bystanders on the beach observe other swimmers not following their instructions to get out of the water.

Announcer’s intro, “Take care this summer”. Re-enactment begins, “Let’s go in for another swim…”. Announcer outro, “Take care this summer, keep out of the water when there’s been a rescue.”

2. A young boy is noticed swimming alone and reprimanded as he’s called out of the ocean by adults on the shore.

Announcer’s intro, “Take care this summer, be with your children when they go swimming”. Re-enactment begins, “First time I’ve seen the beach empty on a Sunday morning…”. Outro, “Take care this summer and you’ll live to swim another summer”.

3. A young boy attempts to peer pressure his friend as he jumps into a river. The dangers of playing in rivers is highlighted however as he hits a log leaving his fate unknown.

Announcer’s intro, “In the interests of water safety we present another story based on fact. Take care this summer, rivers are seldom safe”. Re-enactment begins, “Come on I’ll race you in…” Announcer outro, “Yes, take care before water tragedy happens in your home. Take care this summer”.

4. A family of three hit bad weather out on the ocean in their boat, the skipper refuses to turn back and as a result they may not survive.

Announcer’s intro, “In the interests of water safety we present another story based on fact. Take care this summer, boating can be dangerous”. Re-enactment begins, “It’s getting a bit rough…”. Announcer outro, “Take care this summer, take no chances when boating, wear life jackets”.

5. After a mother encourages her daughter to swim unsupervised with new rubber float, she is saved by a life guard from being swept out with the ocean current.

Announcer’s intro, “Take care this summer, rubber floats can be dangerous…”. Re-enactment begins, “I wouldn’t let the little girl use the rubber float lady…”. Announcer outro, “Take care this summer, rubber floats can be dangerous. Take care on beaches”.

6. A mother recalls how she nearly lost her three year old daughter to a water hole at the back of their house.

Announcer’s intro, “In the interests of water safety we present a story based on fact”. Re-enactment begins, “This morning I nearly lost my little girl…” Announcer’s outro, “Water safety is everybody’s business.”