[Springbok tour 1981 - compilation]

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Nonfiction radio programs
Radio news programs
Radio programs
Sound recordings
Broadcast Date
25 Jul 1981
RNZ Collection
MacIntyre, Duncan, 1915-2001, Speaker/Kaikōrero, New Zealand National Party
Minto, John, Speaker/Kaikōrero, Halt All Racist Tours (Organization)
McKay, Pauline, Speaker/Kaikōrero
Williams, T. S. (Thomas Stafford), 1930-, Speaker/Kaikōrero
Moodie, Robert Alexander, 1938-, Speaker/Kaikōrero
HURLEY, Ann, Speaker/Kaikōrero
Muldoon, R. D. (Robert David), 1921-1992, Speaker/Kaikōrero, New Zealand National Party
Fowler, Michael, 1929-, Speaker/Kaikōrero
Powles, Guy, 1905-1994, Speaker/Kaikōrero
Barnsley, Ewart, Reporter
FLEMING, Linda, Reporter
Moody, Graeme, 1951?-2011, Reporter
Hudson, Brian, 1937-2010, Reporter
ROSS, David, Reporter
Fisher, Karen, Reporter
Burgin, Paddy, Reporter
EMERSON, Alan, Reporter
Faulkner, Peter, Speaker/Kaikōrero
Painter, Julie, Interviewee
Gifford, Sue, Interviewer
Tauroa, Hiwi, 1927-2018, Interviewee
WALTON, Robert, Interviewee
Murtha, Reon, Reporter
HYDE, Peter, Reporter
HAYS, Ray, Reporter

A compilation of thirteen cuts of radio coverage of the protests surrounding the 1981 Springbok rugby team's tour of New Zealand. Coverage from games in Christchurch, Palmerston North, Wellington. Radio New Zealand news bulletins and live coverage from reporters.

1. Unidentified woman eyewitness describes a bomb blast at Christchurch Airport.

2. News bulletin: Deputy Prime Minister Duncan McIntyre at press conference following the Hamilton game. Says protestors are out of control. HART spokeswoman Pauline McKay reacts to his comments. John Minto and Tom Newnham receive threats and move out of their homes. John Minto reacts to McIntyre's comments. Waikato rugby fans form branch of SPIR, Society for the Protection of Individual Rights. Ewart Barnsley reports. Actuality of SPIR spokeswoman Ann Hurley. Voice report by unidentified reporter on Police Association concerns. Bob Moodie comments.

3. Further news bulletin items. Actuality of Archbishop Tom Williams calling for a stop to the tour.

4. News coverage of demonstrations in Wellington. Voicers from Brian Hudson and Lindy Fleming on protests at Parliament and in Molesworth Street. Reporter James Weir describes what he saw as police moved on protestors. Actuality of chanting by protestors and police. Weir describes injuries to protestors, including an elderly woman (Actuality of angry reaction from protestors who say she is Rona Bailey.)
Lindy Fleming describes scene at the Cenotaph. Actuality of protest leader explaining to the crowd that they have complained about police baton action. Actuality of "Shame" protests, within voice report by Brian Hudson. Reporter David Ross on how many people were injured. Actuality of Detective Inspector Peter Faulkner who says police showed restraint and discipline. He accuses protestors of making injuries look worse than they were for media.

5. Coverage of events in Palmerston North prior to Springbok game. Voice report by Paddy Burgin on preparations in Cuba Street. Voice report by Ewart Barnsley. Reporter Alan Emerson reports from helicopter over the showgrounds park. Interview with Julie Painter who is getting married opposite the Showgrounds while the game is on. Ewart Barnsley reports on confrontation in Cook Street between police and protestors. Paddy Burgin reports from Cuba St on police preparations. Live reports from Alan Emerson, Paddy Burgin: police and protestors stand-off 'eyeball to eyeball'; Ewart Barnsley: protestors have agreed to disperse.

6. Meeting held at Parliament of all parties to try and resolve the Tour issue. Race relations conciliator Hiwi Tauroa interviewed by Sue Gifford on his proposals to resolve the Tour dilemma; Interview with Bob Moodie of Police Association on other suggestions made at the parliamentary meeting

Tape 2.
7. Police Commissioner Bob Walton interviewed by Sue Gifford on plans for extra temporary police and special constables if necessary. Denies police are being stretched to their limit by the Tour.

8. The grandstand at Christchurch's Rugby Park is gutted by a suspicious fire. Voice report by reporter Jocelyn Sandston (?). Actuality from two residents on what they saw; rugby clubs in Christchurch are mounting overnight patrols after threats against rugby grounds.

9. News coverage of the Christchurch protests at the first test match, 15 August 1981. 4,000 protestors march from Cathedral Square. Actuality of singing. Reporter Reon Murtha reports on march from the Square, down High Street. Actuality of HART leader Pauline McKay addressing the crowd. Reporter Ewart Barnsley reports from in Barbados St in the march. March divides into several groups on the over-bridge and three groups head in different directions. Ewart Barnsley reports that one group is in Wilsons Road by Lancaster Park and in confrontation with police riot squad. Reporter Peter Hyde with main body of the march in Wilsons Rd, jibing between protestors and rugby supporters. Baton charge on protestors by police: voice report by Ewart Barnsley; some protestors injured, objects thrown at police. Actuality of protests. Peter Hyde reports live from protest. Reporter Peter Wilson reports ambulance has been called for injured protestor hit with baton. Graeme Moody reports on pitch invasion by protestors on Lancaster Park. Police clear the protestors with batons.

10. News coverage. Prime Minister Robert Muldoon releases a list of 'subversives' in the anti-tour movement. Actuality of Muldoon (being interviewed at press conference by Richard Griffin); Socialist Unity Party involvement; protest movement is getting money from all over the country.

11. Deputation to Parliament on the Tour by Mayors of NZ's major cities. Actuality of Wellington mayor Sir Michael Fowler, disappointed at Prime Minister's reaction to their deputation.

12. A 10-member group of church, trade union and ethnic group leaders asks the Governor General Sir David Beattie to stop the Tour. Voice report by Lindy Fleming. Actuality of Sir Guy Powles, leader of the community groups; expresses concern at what the Tour is doing to NZ; does not want NZ aligned with South Africa; suggests the Queen may be criticised because of the Tour.

13. News coverage of the protest during the second test in Wellington. voice report by Paddy Burgin on protests blocking motorway by ferry terminal; scuffles in Adelaide Rd near Athletic Park, voice report by on protestors surrounding police; pro-tour supporters then attack anti-tour protestors; fighting between two groups; "it's getting very ugly here"; voicer from reporter Ray Hays; Red Squad in Rintoul St, actuality of Red Squad being told to "pick their shot" and prepare for "rapid action"; "ka mate" haka by protestors; voice report. Protestors tear down barbed wire barricades around Athletic Park; voice report by Karen Fisher; Ewart Barnsley voice report on' vicious confrontation' between Red Squad and protest groups in Rintoul St; news item at the end of the Wellington test; voice report from Karen Fisher with protestors being held in Macalister Park; (chanting in the background); Ewart Barnsley with protestors walking back into the central city; describes earlier confrontation and scuffles between police and protestors.