The road to recovery and freedom. 2016-03-11. 13:00.

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Radio programs
Sound recordings
Broadcast Date
11 Mar 2016
RNZ Collection
Davis, Mark, Presenter
Arrow FM (Radio station : Wairarapa, N.Z.), Broadcaster

A weekly programme presented by Mark Davis who describes two journeys each week: one, a story about his travels undertaken in happier days, the other the journey back from extreme depression. In today's programme a story about a dog, and some revelations about the Black Dog of Depression.

The following is sourced from the broadcaster's website:

The Road To Recovery & Freedom is part of my personal journey through mental depression, but also tracks my travels around New Zealand and various parts of the world. Each week I feature a story I have written about my travels and the thoughts they have provoked. I also speak of my progress along the road to recovery, hoping that my experiences and insights may help others suffering from depression. Mine is a story of hope and the amazing journey my life has been.
About Me

Hi. My name is Mark [Davis]. Some years ago I was struck down by Mental Depression. My world shrank down to nothing, and it nearly took my life. Slowly I started reaching out for help and took the first steps on my journey to recovery and freedom. The opportunity to do a stint on Access radio arose and I have been a regular programme maker since. Each week I read one of my stories from a better time in my life, and talk through my personal journey. My aim is to entertain listeners with these stories and by sharing my personal journey, to bring hope to those suffering from depression.

[source: ; 24/3/16]