[28 Māori Battalion Songs. North Africa and Italy]

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Historical radio programs
Māori radio programs
Radio programs
Sound recordings
Broadcast Date
Taonga Māori Collection
RNZ Collection
Nepia, Ted, Narrator
New Zealand. Army. Expeditionary Force, 2nd. Battalion, 28, Performer

Ted Nepia, broadcaster and Maori Battalion veteran, presents a programme of musical items recorded by the 28th Māori Battalion during World War II.
He intersperses the musical recordings with recollections about the locations where they were recorded.
[The date of this programme is unknown but Nepia refers to 1941 as 'five years ago' so it was possibly recorded in 1946.]

‘E pari rā’ sung by the Rotorua Māori Choir.

Recordings from the September 1941 open air concert in the North African desert:
‘Haere tonu rā’ and ‘Ka mate’
‘Karu karu’
‘Kia kaha kia toa’

Two years later, from a 1943 concert:
‘Te ope tuatahi’
‘Whītiki whītiki’

The 'recording studio' was often either the YMCA hut or the Broadcasting Unit's headquarters, a mud hut:
‘Tapu te pō’ [Silent Night]
‘Au e Ihu’

In Italy, another concert was recorded:
‘Kua rongorongo ake ahau’
‘Hei konei rā e hine’ [Farewell, Farewell]

‘Pō atarau’ sung by the Rotorua Māori Choir