Opening of Tamatekapua Meeting House. Part 1 of 6

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Broadcast Date
24 Mar 1943
Taonga Māori Collection
RNZ Collection
Ngata, Apirana Turupa (b.1874, d.1950), Speaker/Kaikōrero
Bennett, F. A. (Frederick Augustus), 1871-1950, Speaker/Kaikōrero
Mahuika, Hamana, Singer
Awatere, Pehikura, Singer

This series of recordings was made at the hui to opening the rebuilt meeting house Tamatekapua at Ohinemutu, Rotorua in 1943.

As well as the opening ceremonies, Sir Apirana Ngata (who was Master of Ceremonies for the event) specifically asked the National Broadcasting Service to record traditional waiata, haka and other items from iwi who were present, including Ngāi Tūhoe, Te Whānau-a Apanui and Ngāti Porou.

The recording opens with Sir Apirana Ngata's message to Professor James Shelley, (Director of the National Broadcasting Service), commending him on the staff members who he sent to record the waiata and chants at this gathering.

Next are test recordings of waiata and haka:
First by two Ngāti Porou women, Mrs Hāmana Mahuika and Mrs Pehikura Awatere and Sir Apirana himself:
- Pao "Ka peke ka heke.."

test recording:
Ngāi Tūhoe group perform a lament by Pikihuia for Te Maitaranui:
- Waiata tangi: "Te rongo o te tuna e hau mai ra..."
- Haka: "Rangi pūkohukohu te rangi.."
- Waiata "Pōhiritia ra Tūhoe.."
"Haere mai ra e ngā iwi..."

The official opening service then begins with haka: "Ahi mai te waero..."
"Parekewha", "Waihurehure"
Then announcments by Sir Apirana Ngata the church service lead by Bishop F.A. Bennett, dedicated to Māori soldiers killed during the war.
- Hīmene :"E te Atua, ko koe nei ra..."
- Psalm 46 in te reo Māori
- Hīmene 152: 'Piko nei te matenga' is sung. [This was a hymn sung by Māori soldiers at military burials during both World Wars]

Bishop Bennett begins the sermon referring to the sacrifice made by Māori in WWI, with 350 killed and close to 350 killed already "in the current war".

After his sermon Hīmene 10 (Abide with Me) and "God Save the King' are sung in Māori, followed by some instructions from Sir Apirana Ngata to the crowd.