Te puna wai kōrero

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Māori radio programs
Radio programs
Sound recordings
Broadcast Date
11 Dec 1971
Taonga Māori Collection
RNZ Collection
Murupaenga, Herewini, 1937- (b.1937), Presenter
Hohepa, Patrick W., Speaker/Kaikōrero
Puriri, Nau Paraone Kawiti, Speaker/Kaikōrero
Szaszy, Mira, 1921-2001, Speaker/Kaikōrero

Three prominent Māori leaders reflect on issues that have happened during the past year [1971], and probe further into what challenges may face the Māori people in the year ahead. The speakers are:
- Miraka [Mira] Szaszy, Vice President of the Māori Womens Welfare League.
- Dr Pat Hohepa, Chairman of the Auckland District Māori Council, and Senior Lecturer of Māori at Auckland University.
- Mr Paraone Puriri, Assistant Controller of Māori and Island Affairs and head of welfare in Auckland.

Mira Szaszy speaks about the teaching of Māori language in school and the inclusion of Māori studies in the school curriculum. She emphasises the importance of marae, especially with increasing numbers of Māori now living in cities. Marae allow for better contact with "grass roots" Māori. Education, health, and youth will remain a priority for 1972.

The Māori Council achieved a lot in the last year, including petitions to parliament on the proposed Race Relations Bill; the sale of Māori artefacts to overseas buyers; and land issues. Dr Pat Hohepa speaks about highlights from the year such as the drive for marae, the strength of Māori cultural groups, the good work done by Māori committees, and the rise of young urban leaders. A number of shows were put on, such as the Polynesian Festival, and the Mauri Ora show at the Museum for Princess Alexandra's visit. He lists a number of upcoming events also. He mentions also a conference held with the Minister of Māori Affairs on land issues and the Treaty of Waitangi. He is optimistic for the future of the Council.

Paraone Puriri says it has been an exciting year. He speaks about Māori youth - a team has been formed with local police, the J Team on Youth (Joint Team), to help young people with their problems and to influence them to do better. He then speaks about welfare in Auckland, saying they have had a nearly 100% increase in staffing in recent years, with some new Pacific Island appointments to staff also. He says this is a good example of Māori and Pacific Islanders getting together and working well together. He mentions the importance of a good education and employment in helping people into housing.