[Māori education and leadership]

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Taonga Māori Collection
RNZ Collection
Waititi, Hoani R. (Hoani Retimana), 1926-1965, Speaker/Kaikōrero

Hoani Waititi, (Te Whānau-a-Apanui) speaks about the changes and development of Māori leadership since the colonial era and the role of education for Māori.

He begins by describing life in pre-pakeha times, when leadership was hereditary, and looks at how Māori society developed to adjust to the pākēha world.

New Māori leadership arose, with the emergence of the educated leaders such as those of The Young Māori Party: Ngata, Buck, Bennett, Pōmare and others.

The decline in the Māori population was stopped. It was suggested to Ngata and others that adult education might be a way to improve opportunities for Māori workers and increase their economic situation.

A conference was organised in 1939 at Auckland University: the first time Māori and pākēha had organised such a gathering to discuss the problems facing Māori.

He discusses the influence of Sir Apirana Ngata and Te Puea Hērangi as Māori leaders, and the increasing entry of Māori women into leadership roles.

Urbanisation since World War II means Māori now has to enter more into the pākēha world, where education is paramount. He says Māori women must be given more freedom to express themselves on the marae, to reflect their role as leaders in their community.

He talks about the importance of hui and other Māori gatherings to stop Māori being overwhelmed by the world of the pākēha. He notes that racial harmony will be challenged in a society where the two sides are ignorant of each other, and says pākēha are missing out by not attending hui and getting to know Māori on their own terms, in a Māori setting.

He notes to this end, the Mayoress of Auckland, Mrs Robinson, has joined the Māori Women's Welfare League and has urged other Mayoresses to do likewise.