Te puna wai kōrero 1971-10-30

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Live sound recordings
Sound recordings
Broadcast Date
30 Oct 1971
Taonga Māori Collection
RNZ Collection
Rewi, Moko, Speaker/Kaikōrero
Murupaenga, Herewini, 1937- (b.1937), Speaker/Kaikōrero

75th Anniversary of Te Hapua Māori School. Theme music: "Popo".

Ex-school teachers and past pupils converged upon a tiny settlement in the far North, a place called Te Hapua, to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the local primary school. Many people came from as far away as Christchurch and Invercargill to make this a memorable occasion.

After the powhiri and the mihimihi, the Chairman of the jjubilee committeer Moko Rewi gave a welcome to all present and gave a brief history on the life of the school. [in te reo Māori, with translation by Andrew Rollo.]

There was a roll call Saturday afternoon, followed by sports and a vey succesful concert in the evening.
One of the highlights of the concert was a dramatised illustration of how the white man first made contact with the northern-most Māori. This was presented by pupils of the school, under the superb direction of the Headmaster. [An excerpt is heard of the concert dramatisation.]

On the Sunday a combined church service was held.

Some former pupils recall the rough early conditions at the school when it was a raupo whare.
- kaikōrero: Mr Irvine, whose mother was the very first teacher at the school.
- kaikōrero: Mrs Lucy Baxter, sister to Mr Irvine.

- kaikōrero: Selwyn Murupaenga, with some anecdotes from the school's history: 1917 school roll drops considerably due to war and bad weather;
-Jan 1919 Influenza epidemic swept thecountry killing 31 from the district;
- 1937 Mr Morgan, head teacher reports gardening efforts distoyed by invading cattle;
- Sept 10 1943 day's holiday granted, celebrate Italy's surrender
- Feb 25 1944, Dr. Beeby, Director of Education phoned from Houhora enquiring about the state of the road, then decided not to make the trip
- Sept 21 1948 The Poroporo ferry swamped, in shallow water
- April 22 1949 All children taken to the junction to await Lord and Lady Freyburg.
- June 29th Poroporo ferry is lost,
- 1965 New Headmaster reported we arrived in pouring rain after skidding off the road, we hit a bank.
- June 4 1970 The Te Hapua exchange was closed, and Te Hapua connected to Te Kao automatic exchange.
- Jubilee year 1971, Feb 22, the sailing ship "Endeavour II" was wrecked on the Parengarenga Bar, a site witnessed by the school children.Others also spoke on the past life of the school, the local community, and the present-day school.