1982 Te puna wai kōrero Series

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Broadcast Date
29 May 1982
Taonga Māori Collection
RNZ Collection
Twist, Eddie, Speaker/Kaikōrero
Stephens, Tainui, Speaker/Kaikōrero
te Ua, Henare, 1933-2007, Producer

Hoani Waititi Marae was recently the venue for a weekend hui for journalists and reporters associated with sound, visual and print media.

Representatives from Auckland's two major daily newspapers attended together with those representing suburban newspapers, radio, television and magazines.

This hui was held to encourage a sensitive approach to reporting issues
concerning Māori and Pacific peoples. The hui was also attended by students currently taking part in an introductory journalism course for Māori and Pacific students. This was held by the New Zealand journalist training board.

Among the key note speakers were two representatives from the Race Relations Office:

Eddie Twist [Ngāti Manawa Ngāti Kahungunu] spoke on multiculturalism
and the role of the media. He predicted people would get upset about there being a hui just for minority groups and said the media has a role to play in explaining the role of affirmative action. He talks about negative reaction to an article in The Listener about the ATI journalism course.

Tainui Stephens [Te Aupouri] an investigating officer with the Race Relations Office spoke on culture and then talked about a recent case where a landlord discriminated against a Samoan family based on impressions she had gained from the media.