Māori Programme. 1966-10-25. No.111

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Māori radio programs
Radio programs
Sound recordings
Broadcast Date
25 Oct 1966
Taonga Māori Collection
RNZ Collection
Wiremu Leonard Parker, 1914-1986, Presenter
Wiremu Kīngi Kerekere, 1923-2001, Producer
Iriaka Matiu Ratana, 1905-1981, Speaker/Kaikōrero
Henare te Ua, 1933-2007, Reporter
Hēnare Tuauru Tuwhangai, 1899-1989, Speaker/Kaikōrero
Waihīrere (Cultural group), Performer
Waioeka Māori Club (Cultural group), Performer
Dame Te Arikinui Te Atairangikaahu, 1931-2006, Speaker/Kaikōrero

Wiremu Parker presents a programme of recordings from the Kīngi Korokī Memorial Hui.

With the passing of Kīngi Korokī Te Wherowhero in May 1965, the normal Coronation hui this year 1966, was called the Korokī Memorial Hui, making the occasion a sad but dignified affair.
- Kāranga and haka pōhiri

Thousands of people attended the hui including several special guests like Ngāpare Hopa, BA, BLit; returning to her Waikato people to pay her respects. She was accompanied by graduates of Auckland University and students from St.Stephens College on the Bombay Hills.
Here is their waiata after their whaikorero called "Te Roa te po oho".

The Mexican boxer Roberta Pena and Mrs Pena accompanied by the New Zealand boxer, Earl Nikora, attended and presented an oil painting of the Korokī funeral to Te Arikinui and her people. The painting was done by Mrs Pena while her husband was convalescing in an Auckland Hospital.

The Tairāwhiti iwi arrived in force, after an invitation was extended during the week at the funeral of Hetekia Te Kani te Ua.
- Waiata : "Karanga mai Koroki".

- Kaikōrero: Hēnare Tuwhangai, Tainui elder, lifting the tapu at Tūrangawaewae to officially end the mourning period for Kīngi Korokī. "Ka mate, ka mate".

- Kaikōrero: Mrs. Iriraka Ratana.
- Waioeka: "E whitu ra nga waka e".(waiata-a-ringa).
- Himene: "Ma te marie" accompanied by the Ratana Band
- Kaikōrero: Hēnare te Ua.

The Maori Culture Competitions which climaxed this hui were judged by:
the Reverend Napi Waaka of Hamilton, Irirangi Tahuriorangi now of Wellington and Hamuera Tuhakaraina from Invercargill.

The section winners were:
Juniors: Tokoroa.
Intermediate - Tokoroa.
Seniors - Waihirere of Gisborne

- Waiata.

- Kaikōrero: Te Arikinui, Te Atairangikaahu.[ A recording of her first public speech as Te Arikinui.]