[Māori programmes 1975-07-02]

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Broadcast Date
02 Jul 1975
Taonga Māori Collection
RNZ Collection
Williams, Haare, 1940-, Producer
Burnside, Ken, Speaker/Kaikōrero
Walker, Ranginui, 1932-2016, Speaker/Kaikōrero
Rata, Matiu, 1934-1997, Speaker/Kaikōrero
Ihaka, Kingi Matutaera, 1921-1993, Speaker/Kaikōrero

The programme looks at a public meeting called last week by the Minister of Māori Affairs, Matiu Rata for Auckland Māori and Pacific island leaders to discuss a new Police Task Force and the social conditions affecting their communities.

Discussion kept returning to the deteriorating relationship between the police and their communities.
At the beginning of the meeting, the Police Commissioner Ken Burnside asked for open dialogue and constructive solutions.
Kaikōrero: Ken Burnside, Police Commissioner

Kaikōrero: Dr Ranginui Walker, Auckland Māori Council chairman. Talks about the communities' fear about the lack of control over the police. Also practical suggestions such as hotels providing urinals outside and coffee for patrons to cut down drunkeness.
Dr Walker notes there is currently no mechanism to investigate actions of police, such as allegations of police brutality. Currently complaints are investigated by the police themselves.

Other developments discussed were urban marae, Radio Polynesia and alternative education approaches such as "new opportunity schools." Dr Walker talks about progress being made at Seddon High School with Māori and Polynesian students. He says schools where Māori culture is a focus and valued, are an idea being investigated to encourage a more positive feeling towards education.

Mr Rata said after the meeting that it was very useful but he did not favour the call for an independent commission of enquiry into the police Task Force.

Kaikōrero: Reverend Kīngi Ihaka made the call for a commission of inquiry. He speaks about the need to tackle the problems society is facing - which he says are not just a Māori or Polynesian problem." He suggests investing in the regions to provide jobs there and stem some of the flow to the cities. He says the term 'Task Force' has become anathema to Māori and Polynesian communities and it should be disbanded. He calls for better training of police officers in Māori culture and greater numbers of Māori and Polynesian police recruits.
Rev. Ihaka says the European-style meeting, held in English, was frustrating and discussions about Māori should be held in a Māori setting.

Kaikōrero: Tongan student Henasi Lesani [?], spokesman for the Polynesian Panthers group, talks about the police commissioner's suggestion of community policing and changes he would like to see regarding how the police and the legal system treat Pacific island people.

[Excerpt of "The Boxer" (Simon and Garfunkel)]
Kaikōrero: Commissioner Ken Burnside

Kaikōrero: Hon. Matiu Rata

Haare Williams reads a narrative written by Rev. Kingi Ihaka, about the problems youth face, with the pub being the only place they feel they belong. He ends by noting that New Zealanders should realise "Polynesian problems" are actually "society's problems."

"The Boxer" (Simon and Garfunkel)