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Broadcast Date
04 Apr 2006
Taonga Māori Collection
RNZ Collection
Aperahama, Ruia

Piriwiritua newsin Māori with Amomai Pihema.

- kaikōrero: Anaru Rangiheua re Te Arawa lakes, Goverment fundind support.
- kaikōrero: Ben Waitai / Ngāti Kuri on Ahu Moana
- kaikōrero: Quinton Hita on his new programme Kupu Huna
- kaikōrero: Mere Boyton on Toi Māori for the Tairawhiti area.
HAKINAKINA withj Te Kauhoe Wano...Rugby / Golf
PIRIWIRITUA: TE ARA / Whangarei na Rawiri Taonui wenei kōrero a, ko Ruia
e whakapaho ana.........NB: ataahua nga kōrero..
PANUI a Rohe: New Health pharmacy opens inTe Atatu supplys Māori rongoa.
- Blind Institute require collectors for their fundraising campaign.
- Unveiling day confirmed for Maui Delvanus Prime.
- Mana wahine day confirmed be held at Papakura Marae.
- Otangaroa Marae kapa haka hui.
- waiata: E te iwi e, anei nga mihi nui.
- He kōrero na Te Kauhoe Wano a he pitopito kōrero......Don Brash and his Māori
political nonsense.......
- Indian Prime MInister for Fiji
- Celebration womens week /men still lead top position in the work force
- Te Arawa pleased that pakeha have supported them re cleaning their lake
- funding available for wananga....
- waiata: Ka tangi te titi / Samoan Jam
- Ruia comments on Māori living in Australia, he also refers to two Māori aged
12 and 17 who traveled with Captain Cook in the 1800's.Māori also traveled to
England. and said it was a place.
1902 Commonwelath Australia was franchised giving Māori the right to vote provided
they were on the elctoral roll.
1962. Aboriginees were able to vote, Māori. From that time up to today many have
sinced moved to Australia and live their permanently including the brother of the NTK
1969 Maui Prime and his sisters moved to Australia for a number of years and
worked the night circut his band was called "Dalvenus and the Fasinations".
Māori did all types of work, including working in the mines, sheep shearing and
labouring of all types,..............programme ends.