Morning report. 1989-04-17

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Broadcast Date
17 Apr 1989
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

0600 News/Sport
0610 Ex "BBC" : Effect of oil spill on ecology of Alaska
0614 Ex "BBC" : Solomon Islands break from British Crown
0618 Ex "ABC" : Logging of Eucalypt Forest in NSW
0623 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0645 Local Breakout
0650 "Morning Comment" : Ray Galvin
0652 Hi-Tech: Securing Computer information: Jim Higgins
0700 NEWS
00:1:41 SOCCER Tragedy at Hillsborough where fans crushed to death: Keith Chalkley Live TRAGEDY: Geoff Robinson i/v Keith Chalkley
00:00:2:12 BRIERLEY-Qantas expected to refuse delaying signing of Air NZ contract: Tino Pereira
00:1:29 ANSETT says its still very much part of scene: Janice Rodenburg i/v Brian Lockstone, Ansett
00:2:55 REFERENDUM on proportional respresentation not being held: Jane Young i/v Geoffrey Palmer, Justice Min
00:4:14 GOVT plans to hold refendum about extending 3 year term: Rory Newsam i/v Nigel Roberts, Vic Uni
00:2:04 AUCKLAND bus dispute into 2nd month: Mary Fenwick i/v Janet Scott, Mediator
00:1:19 ISRAELIS allegedly killed 2 Palestinians: Gerald Butt
00:2:52 LABOUR Party regional conference: in Christchurch Peter Brittenden i/v Paul Piesse, Delegate
00:1:59 LABOUR Party regional conference: in Dunedin Emily Flynn i/v Ruth Dyson METROPOLITAN PAPERS Live NIUE aid from NZ to be cut back following audit report: Maggie Barry i/v Russell Marshall, Min of Foreign Aff
00:2:49 PAUA fisherman launching campaign targetting poachers: Leigh Pearson i/v Mac MacDonald, Abalone Divers Co-op
00:0:40 BIRTHDAY : Charlie Chaplin and Adolf Hitler: Reader
00:2:06 CHAPLIN : Actuality
00:5:06 SOCCER tragedy: Keith Chalkley i/v John Smith, Chairman Liverpool Football Club
00:2:58 PILOT talks hold key to further strikes: Janice Rodenburg i/v Tony Dodwell, Airline Pilots Assn
00:2:30 CTU urging left-wing not to abandon Labour govt: Janice Rodenburg i/v Ken Douglas, President, CTU Live WORLD BANK promoting new image showing concern for environment: Geoff Robinson i/v Ken Piddington
0830 NEWS
00:00:3:25 DEMOCRATIC Party angry at no referendum on proportional representation: Rory Newsam i/v Terry Heffernan, Dep Ldr
00:2:50 RACE Relations to be key issue in next election: Debbie Gee / Paul East, MP and Sir Graham Latimer Live GEMINI News Service Editor visiting NZ: Maggie Barry i/v Derek Ingram, & Pres Commonwealth Journalists Assn
00:3:23 NARCANON drug detoxification programme says withdrawing drugs could be dangerous: Gerard Counsell i/v Diane Monk
00:3:06 WELLINGTON Health services under threat: Owen Gill i/v Elizabeth Harper, Chairperson, Wgtn Hospital Board
00:2:24 HUNGARIAN Communist Party in turmoil: Michael Dodd