Morning report. 1995-06-06

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Broadcast Date
06 Jun 1995
RNZ Collection

0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. David Jones
0700 NEWS POLLS - RNZ News survey confirms Alliance under Jim Anderton is serious threat to Labour, and National has no room for complacency. (Janice Rodenburg); live i/v with Political editor Karen Fisher. OVERSEAS INVESTMENT BILL - Labour leader Helen Clark announces party's strong opposition to Bill which would see rules controlling foreign ownership changed. Helen Clark also comments on poll showing Labour losing support. (Mng Rpt) POLLS - live i/v with Alliance leader Jim Anderton. THOMAS MURDER TRIAL enters second week with Crown only about one-third of way through witnesses. (Stephen Parker)
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS WORLD RUGBY CUP - Cup committee holds disciplinary hearing into game between South Africa and Canada which degenerated into brawl at one stage. Springbok winger ieter Hendriks receives 90 day ban for foul play and Canadian fullback Scott Stewart banned for 60 days. Live i/v with commentator Graeme Moody. BOSNIA - questions asked about whether proposed ready reaction force can regain control of UN designated "safe areas" or weapons depots. Live i/v with Charles Meynell, "East European Newsletter". CROATIA - fighting looks as if it's set to again spread to Adriatic coast. Most Crotians living in NZ from that area and still have family there. Live i/v with Tony Covic of NZ Croatian community. COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY - Winston Peters making announcement today about "fundamental re-think" of his role in Commission of Inquiry, following cabinet decision to deny him legal aid. Labour Party backs his call for assistance. Comment from Finance spokesman Michael Cullen. (Maria Slade) PAPERS/ASPAC HEADLINES
0800 NEWS/WEATHER INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS spring back into prominence as result of budget decision to increase funding. Conference in CH has US educationalist Chester Finn as keynote speaker. He's i/ved live about his advocacy of changes in schooling. TEACHER SHORTAGE - follow-up to i/v with principal of Manurewa Intermediate, Des Pyster, in which it was suggested he take over in classroom to cover for teacher shortage. Live i/v with Jean Packman of Principals'Fedn re its objection to suggestion. MONDAY OZ SPOT- live i/v with correspondent Phil Kafcaloudes about Royal Commission of Inquiry into NSW police corruption. REGIONAL NEWS
0830 NEWS/SPORTS GERMANY - Johannes Weinrich, alleged right-hand man of Carlos the Jackal, appears in Berlin court on charges of terrorism. Live i/v with correspondent John Walker. NEW ZEALAND HOUSE, London - readers of London's "Evening Standard" appear to be strongly opposed to proposal by Britain's National Heritage trust to list NZ House as building to be protected. (Wayne Brittenden) ASIA LINKS - exec director of Asia 2000, Peter Harris, says more money and effort needs to be channelled into programmes and initiatives aimed at promoting NZ links with Asia. He's i/ved live. TOURISM - Labour's Tourism spokesman Ross Robertson says lack of long term planning for industry will lead to congestion and may even lead to charges being introduced at popular scenic sites. Comment also from Chris Ryan of Tourism Board, and Paul Winter, Tourism Industry Assn. (Brett Solvander) COMMENT TONY AWARDS, for New York stage productions, are another success for Andrew Lloyd Webber for "Sunset Boulevard". Live i/v with correspondent Judy Lessing.