Morning report. 1997-04-16

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Broadcast Date
16 Apr 1997
RNZ Collection

0616 NEWS STORY: CHILD HEALTH - GPs say govt isn't prepared to spend enough money to deliver on illegible of free health care for children aged 5 and under, say budget will only cover basic care. Comment from GP Assn's Clive Stone, Lyndon Keene, Asthma and Respiratory Fndn, and Dr David Kerr, Pegasus Medical Group. (Karen Gregory Hunt.
0626 NEWS STORY: TRADE - MEXICO - Dairy Board chair Sir Dryden Spring visits Mexico in attempt to gain better access to Mexican market for dairy exports. live i/v with correspondent James Blears about the visit and the difficulties.
0636 NEWS STORY: SUPERANNUATION - Treasurer Winston Peters outlines some details of proposed scheme, indicating national super scheme to be replaced with proposed compulsory scheme. Live i/v with Economics correspondent Bronwen Evans.
0651 BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL NEWS: SUPERANNUATION - life insurance industry cautiously approves outline of illegible scheme. Treasurer Winston Peters says people will save through Investment Savings Insurance Assn. (Clare Pasley) COOK STRAIT CABLE - Transpower and ECNZ reach agreement on issue of costs for cable. ECNZ to pay smaller fixed charge and Transpower will keep rentals for cable use that ECNZ would have received. (Gyles Beckford) FINANCE/MARKETS MORTGAGE RATES - Real Estate Inst says rates should come down in response to lower than expected inflation figure. (Bronwen Evans) CBD COMMERCIAL PROPERTY COMPANY confirms plans for public share issue to raise almost $30 million, plans to buy central city office properties. (Gyles Beckford) TIMBER INDUSTRY - Forestry ministry Lockwood Smith says growth in industry is coming form smaller forestry owners, would like to see them set up clusters or co-operatives to better market increasing timber supplies. (Jill Galloway)
0700 INTRO/NEWS SUPERANNUATION - live i/v with Treasurer Winston Peters about the proposed compulsory scheme, which he's indicated will operate through private sector and replace old scheme. SAUDI ARABIA - FIRE rages through Haj pilgrim's camps in plains outside Mecca, killing more than 180 people and injuring 800. Hundreds of thousands of pilgrims left stranded by fire. Live i/v with correspondent Robert Berger. BELGIUM - DUTROUX COMMISSION REPORT on series of child sex killings and kidnappings faults police management, detailing blunders and possible collusion that allowed known child abusers to kidnap and kill at least 5 girls. Report also follows through on nation's call for drastic changes to justice system. Live i/v with correspondent David Eades. CHILD HEALTH - GPs Assn says govt not prepared to spend money to deliver on coalition agreement of free care for under-5s, says anything over and above normal consultations will have to be charged for. Live i/v with Dr Clive Stone, Assn chair; live i/v with Peter Glensor, spokesperson for Healthcare Aotearoa parent body for union health centres providing low-cost care to low income families.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS FINANCE update with Gyles Beckford. IRAN - DEMONSTRATIONS reported in several cities in protest against German court verdict which found Iranian govt ordered political killings in Berlin. I/v with Irfan Parviz, deputy editor in chief "Iran News". (Mng Rpt) illegible TRANSPORT - 3rd part of series on AK's transport problems. Maria Slade looks at the traffic congestion problem and whether authorities have the answers. ALBANIA - MULTINATIONAL FORCE - 1200 troops from Italy, France, and Spain land to begin effort to safeguard humanitarian aid supplies. I/v with correspondent Mark Laity. (Mng Rpt) U.S. - WHITEWATER - President Clinton's former business partner James McDougall publicly disputes president's sworn testimony about illegal loan, has received lenient 3 year prison sentence in exchange for co-operation with Whitewater prosecutors. Attorney General Janet Reno rejects demands for independent investigation into alleged fund-raising abuses by Democratic party and White House. Live i/v with correspondent Martin Walker.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER SUPERANNUATION - Treasurer Winston Peters says mothers, beneficiaries, and low income earners who can't reach required savings target may receive funding top-ups from govt. (q). Live discussion with financial planner Murray Weatherstone, Coopers and Lybrand economist Suzanne Sniveley, and Consumers Inst chief exec David Russell. INTERNATIONAL PAPERS POLL - One Network News/Colmar Brunton poll taken late last month and earlier illegible month shows 70% disapproval of govt's performance. National now on 41% support, Labour on 36, with ACT pulling ahead of NZ First and just behind Alliance. Live i/v with Political editor Karen Fisher. AK TRANSPORT - Transport minister Jenny Shipley says co-ordinated plan needed to deal with problem, intergrating private with public transport. Live discussion with her and Phil Warren, chair of AK Regional Council.
0830 NEWS/SPORTS BABY - Tokoroa police play down reports that missing new-born baby might have been dragged away by 2 dogs. Intensive searches have so far failed to find any sign of baby. Live i/v with Snr Sgt John Gurr. INLAND REVENUE DEPT criticised by disgruntled taxpayers who say they';re tired of facing delays when they ring for information. Dept says it hasn't the staff to cope with demand for help. (Andrew Fleming) COOK STRAIT CABLE - row resolved between Transpower and ECNZ over cost of cable, meaning end-use consumers will no longer pay cost of transmitting power between North and South Islands. Live i/v with analyst Molly Melhuish. CONSERVATION DEPT RESTRUCTURING - PSA says DoC may face another disaster on scale of Cave Creek if it continues with latest round of restructuring. Comment from PSA's Jim Turner, Conservation minister Nick Smith, Kevin Smith, Forest and Bird. (Claire Silvester) RUSSIA - VODKA - govt orders 40% incrase in price, designed to raise revenue and curb black market in vodka. I/v with correspondent James Coomarasami. (Mng Rpt)