Morning report. 1998-06-23

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Broadcast Date
23 Jun 1998
RNZ Collection

0616 NEWS STORY: PRISON ESCAPERS - 3 still hiding out in Coromandel bush, one recaptured. Tairua businesspeople reap benefits of huge number of police and media pouring into town. I/v with cafe owner Tim Porteous. (Stephanie Baird)
0620 RURAL NEWS AGRICHEMICALS - companies warn new technology may pass NZ primary industries by because of new licensing laws and parallel importing. AGCARM, Assn for Animal Health and Crop Protection, says combination of new laws means it may not be worthwhile paying substantial costs of registering new products. (Catherine Harris) DROUGHT - RELIEF - Fed Farmers welcomes govt's speedy agreement to grant more funding. Govt now has to work through details and final approval may not be made for a couple of weeks. (Catherine Harris) BOARDING SCHOOL CHARGES - parents in isolated areas say boarding allowance no illegible relevant to costs being charged by schools. Womens's Division Fed Farmers' education spokesperson Margaret Millard says fees are real imposition on families who have no choice but to send their children away from home. (Gael Woods) ANIMAL HEALTH LABORATORIES - govt denies claim by Labour's Jim Sutton that it's decided to close MAF's 3 regional labs at AK, Lincoln, and Ngauranga. Acting Agriculture minister John Luxton says no decision made yet and it will be made by board in charge of turning parts of MAF quality management into state-owned enterprises. (q). (Catherine Harris)
0625 SPORTS STORY TENNIS - WIMBLEDON - first day's play. Pete Sampras has easy start to bid for 5th singles title. Two of main women drawcards, Anna Kournikova and Mary Pierce, knocked out of championship. Live i/v with Guy Swindells, Independent Radio in Britain.
0636 NEWS STORY: AUSTRALIA - ELECTION - PM John Howard stands firm on threat to call double dissolution election unless Senate passes his Native Title legislation but latest polls indicate he could risk One Nation party winning balance of power illegible Senate. (Zandra Sharpe)
0642 MANA NEWS WAITANGI TRIBUNAL - Treaty Negotiations minister Doug Graham sceptical about goals suggested by ACT Party for settling claims. HOTEL SQUATTERS - DoC warns it will evict Māori family squatting in disused hotel in Northland.
0651 BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL NEWS: ECONOMIC PREDICTIONS - NZIER predicts economy will still pick up towards end of year with growth for 12 months ended March 1999 at just under 2%. In short term interest rates will remain high, company investment and profits will be restrained, budget surplus will shrink and inflation dip to around 1% before rising sharply in 2000. Comment from NZIER director Alex Sundakov. (Gyles Beckford) JAPAN - BANKING REFORMS - govt launches new watchdog to supervise financial sector and set timetable to sort out bad loan problems. Comment from Richard Jerome, ING Baring in Tokyo. FINANCE/MARKETS MARKET REVIEW SHARE TRADING - Stock Exchange hopes to catch up with trading data by end of week, after last week's record turnover. Chief exec Bill Foster says complicating heavy week's trading was influx of inexperienced AMP shareholders into market. (Rodney Joyce) WINEMAKER VILLA MARIA seeking to raise nearly $10 million to develop 3 new vineyards to grow premium grapes for export wines. 1,000 parcels on offer, eeach with 9,500 $1 shares in Terra Vitae, tradeable on secondary market. (Gyles Beckford) BUSINESS BRIEFS
0700 INTRO/NEWS PRISON ESCAPERS - manhunt in Coromandel continues overnight, with helicopters using heat-seeking devices to search for 3 prisoners. 4th escapee, Arthur Taylor, recaptured. Live i/v with reporter Andrew McRae. ECONOMIC PREDICTIONS - NZIER's latest quarterly forecast sees economy improving towards end of year. Live i/v with director Alex Sundakov. JAPAN/WALL ST - Japan says it's working on scheme to sort out bad loan banking mess and launches new financial sector watchdog but doubts remain over whether scheme will be bold enough to address deep-seated financial problems. Live i/v with Wall St correspondent Patrick O'Connell. ELECTRICITY REFORMS - govt hoping for consensus from National and NZ First caucuses on electricity restructuring. Private power companies resisting restructuring and some coalition and opposition MPs are against the proposals. Caucus meetings come as latest One Network News/Colmar Brunton poll puts National and Labour neck and neck at 37%. Live i/v with Political editor Al Morrison. TAINUI TRUST BOARD refers bogus release to serious Fraud Office. Release claimed Board had made multi-million dollar purchase of 5 properties in central Hamilton. Board has been accused in recent weeks of lavish spending of settlement with Crown. Live i/v with Board secretary Tom Moke.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS NZ PAPERS FINANCE UPDATE PRISON ESCAPERS believed to be hiding in dense bush just north of Coromandel town of Tairua. I/v with Snr Sgt Gary Allcock re latest situation. (Mng Rpt) SOCCER WORLD CUP - FIFA condemns "acts of barbaric violence", calls emergency meeting after attack by Germans on French policeman who's now in coma. Germany offered to withdraw from World Cup but idea rejected by meeting. I/v with correspondent Jim Bitteman. illegible SCHOOL CHARGES - parents in isolated areas say boarding school allowances fall far short of what's needed to meet costs schools now charging. (Gael Woods); live i/v with Education minister Wyatt Creech. RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ACT - Environment minister Simon Upton demands answers after evidence shown of differences in way local bodies administer Act, but councils blame govt and its lack of leadership when legislation was introduced. (Andrea Rush)
0800 NEWS/WEATHER PRISON ESCAPERS - live i/v with reporter Andrew McRae on latest situation. ECONOMIC PREDICTIONS - NZIER says exporters will play part in economic recovery but warns success may not be as great as expected. Live i/v with president of Exporters' Inst, Tom Wilson. DROUGHT - RELIEF - govt agrees in principle to Fed Farmers' request for extension of relief package beyond original cut-off date of end of month. Live i/v with Fed Farmers' vice president, Alistair Polson. INTERNATIONAL PAPERS KOSOVO - signs situation is deteriorating just as Russian diplomats make new attempt to calm conflict. I/v with correspondent Karen Coleman about role Russians are playing in attempts to resolve crisis. (Mng Rpt) ; Albanian PM Fatos Nano renews appeal for NATO intervention to prevent crisis from escalating and says Albania "on eve of war" with Yugoslavia. (AAP) OBESITY DRUG - NZ Medical Assn writes to Roche, manufacturers of Xenical, urging them to stop advertising campaign. Assn says adverts make mockery of requirement that drug be prescribed by a doctor and chair Dr Anton Wiles says anorexics and bulemics are now demanding the drug. He's i/ved live.
0830 NEWS/SPORTS RADAR NETWORK - Airline Pilots' Assn, representing air traffic controllers, unhappy with Airways Corpn plan to run domestic radar network from CH as part of restructuring plan. Live i/v with Adam Nicholson, negotiator for Airline Pilots' Assn; live i/v with Airways Corpn chief exec Craig Sinclair. OBESITY DRUG - live i/v with Glenda McDonald, Xenical marketing director for Roche Products, in response to NZ Medical Assn's concerns about advertising campaign. BRITAIN - GAY AGE OF CONSENT - gay rights activists hold vigil outside Westminster as Parliament votes on lowering age of consent between homosexuals from 18 to 16. Church of England opposed to any law change but change has support of PM Tony Blair and other party leaders. I/v with David Allison, of gay rights lobby group Outrage. (Mng Rpt) INDONESIA - NEW REGIME, has it meant any real changes? I/v with correspondent Enver Solomon. (Mng Rpt)