NIGHTLINE. 30/04/1991

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New Zealand/Aotearoa
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Presenter: Joanna Paul
Presenter: Belinda Todd
Reporter: Mark Jennings
Reporter: Bob McNeil
Reporter: Peter Hoar

A historic meeting in Christchurch tonight between Greenpeace and the French Prime Minister Michel Rocard, has ended with the promise of more talks. The French have invited Greenpeace to carry out a sampling program at Mururoa Atoll.
Speaker: Stephanie Bell, (Greenpeace).

Thousands of workers rallied around the country today against the Employment Contracts Bill, due to be passed into law tomorrow.

Dog licenses could be a thing of the past if the SPCA gets its way. It wants to register pet owners instead.

The National Congress of Maori leaders, representing more than 50 tribes, told the Prime Minister, a government plan for Marori development had to be a collective one.

Sir David Attenborough planted a tree at the Wellington Botanical Gardens today to celebrate the opening of a new education centre. Speaker: David Attenborough, (Naturalist)

Tight jeans figure in a new health scare afflicting New Zealand men according to the Cancer society, however, so far nothing has been proved. Speaker: Dr Tom Sandman, (Cancer Reearcher); Dr Roger Chambers, (Urologist);

After returning from South Africa, Sir Robert Muldoon, wants an All Black tour and a Jim Bolger visit there as soon as possible. Speaker: Sir Robert Muldoon, (National MP).

A look at the the new Majestic Centre in Wellington. Speaker: Gerald Melling, (Architectural Critic); Ray Harding, (Wellington Chamber of Commerce)

A look at South Auckland’s community theater play, The Final Curtain. Speaker: Don Selwyn, (Actor)

Tomorrow night, Mozart’s Marriage of Figaro opens in Auckland. Speaker: Raymond Hawthorne, (Director)