NIGHTLINE. 07/05/1991

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New Zealand/Aotearoa
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Presenter: Joanna Paul
Presenter: Belinda Todd
Reporter: Bill Ralston
Reporter: Mark Jennings
Reporter: Tukoroirangi Morgan (Waikato; Tainui)
Reporter: Stephen Christensen
Reporter: Jeff Hampton

Security is to be increased around cabinet ministers, which, according to Labour, will cost the tax payer millions of dollars as armed police and unmarked cars become part of every day life. Speaker: Richard Prebble, (Labour MP)

Crewmen aboard a Bangladeshi ship, tied up at Tauranga, have so far been unsuccessful contacting home, The ship leaves soon and the Red Cross has launched an appeal to fill it with relief supplies.

An Auckland couple are trying to get hold of their daughter who was right in the path of Bangladesh’s killer cyclone.

More than a million dollars worth of Harley Davidson motor bikes were destroyed in a fire at Dunedin’s Imperial Motor Cycles.

Justice Minister Doug Graham has tightened up work parole after cases of abuse by white collar inmates. Speaker: Doug Graham, (Justice Minister)

The Turkish President’s visit seems to be worth about 5 million dollars, that is the value of trade deals being signed. Speaker: Philip Burdon, (Trade Minister)

Plans for this countries first living maritime museum were unveiled in Auckland tonight. The proposed water front development will cost 11 million dollars and open in October 1991. Speaker: Dr Rodney Wilson, (Museum Director); John Banks, (Minister of Tourism).

The new German owner of Pakatoa island in the Hauraki Gulf, Ralf Simon, says the market for the island is in New Zealand, Speaker: Ralf Simon, (Investment Banker).

The snow arrives early in the South Island making skiing the Tasman Glacier possible. Speaker, Bob Munro (Alpine Guide)

The Highwaymen tour New Zealand
The Exponents also tour. Speakers: Brian Jones, (Guitar); Jordan Luck, (Vocals); Dave Gent, (Bass), Mike Harrilanbi, (Drums)