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Moving image
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Place of production
Production company
Pathe, S.C.A.G.L., SAPF
Cast: Jeanne Delvain
Cast: Jeanne Grumbach
Cast: Georges Paulais
Cast: Dupray
Director: Georges Denola
Script: Brada

Jeanne and her new born child are abandoned by her husband. In desperation Jeanne goes to a convent and leaves her baby there in the Christmas manger. Tortured by what she’s done, she collapses in the street. She is found by some passers-by and dies in their arms. When the nuns decorate the Christmas scenery, they discover the baby. Excited about their “Christmas child”, they start to pray.

000:30 “Jeanne sortant de la maternité a hate d’aller retrouver son mari et son logis.”
Jeanne Leaves the maternity ward, anxious to return to her husband and home

001:29 “Un lache.”
A coward

002:02 (letter) “ Jeanne, la vie était déja trop dure a deux. L’enfant est venu et la misere me fait peur pour nous trois. Oublie moi, je pars. Adieu Charles.”
(letter) “ Jeanne, la vie était déja trop dure a deux. L’enfant est venu et la misere me fait peur pour nous trois. Oublie moi, je pars. Adieu Charles.”
Jeanne, life for the two of us was already hard enough. Now with the baby, I fear for the worst. Forget me. I'm leaving. Goodbye forever, Charles"

002:50 “Sans pain, sans argent, sans espérance.”
No food, no money, no hope

004:36 “Au couvent des soeurs grises.”
At the convent of the grey sisters

006:51 “On prépare la creche de Noel.”
Preparations of the Christmas crib

007:37 “A la garde du Seigneur!”
Into God's hands, I entrust this child

009:26 “La fin d’un calvaire.”
The end of suffering

010:19 “Adoptons l’enfant que le ciel nous envoie.”
Let us adopt this child that heaven has sent us.