TV3 NEWS. 10/11/2009

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Moving image
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3 News
Place of production
New Zealand/Aotearoa
Broadcast Date
Production company
TV3 Network Services

News, sport and weather.
Main stories:

Maori Party MP Hone Harawira's long-awaited apology was marred by another angry outburst.
Duncan Garner (TV3 Political Editor - live in studio); Hone Harawira (Maori Party MP); Phil Goff (Labour Leader); John Key (PM - National); Buddy Makaere (Maori Party Supporter); Titewhai Harawira (Hone's Mother).

Act Leader Rodney Hide has helped promote the ocean swim series.

New figures have confirmed that the cost of groceries in NZ is rising faster than almost everywhere else in the developed world.
Voxpop; Sue Chetwin (Consumer NZ CEO); Tony Carter (Foodstuffs Managing Director); Heather Roy (Consumer Affairs Minister).

Celebrations marking the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall have been held in Germany.
Gordon Brown (British PM); Voice of Hillary Clinton (US Secretary of State); Harald Jaeger (Former Border Guard).

Warships from North and South Korea have exchanged fire.

The Mayors of the six cities worst affected by leaky homes have called for an urgent meeting with the Housing Minister.
John Banks (Auckland Mayor); Bob Harvey (Waitakere Mayor).

The Tongan Electoral Commission has called for a new system of Government for the Kingdom of Tonga with the Monarchy having vastly reduced powers.
Josh Liava'a (NZ Tongan Political Reform Committee); Melino Maka (Tongan Advisory Council Chairman).

The first sod has been turned in the national cycle way project.
Kevin Hague (Green Party MP); John Key (PM - National); Colin Traills (Construction Supervisor).