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Moving image
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Place of production
New Zealand/Aotearoa
Production company
Pentacle Film Productions
Cast: Jeff Campbell
Cast: Blair Trenholme
Narration: Ron Hajek
Narration: Ron Roy
Director: Michael Firth
Producer: Michael Firth
Writer: Molly Gregory
Director of Photography: Michael Firth
Camera: Geoff Cocks
Camera: Tony Lilleby
Camera: Geoff Steven
Camera: Michael Firth
Editor: Michael Economou
Sound: Geoff Cocks
Music: Richard Clements
Music: Richard Degray

The adventures of two thrill-seeking North Americans in New Zealand’s mountainous wilderness.

“Visually, Off the Edge is a stunner, with one amazing vista following another. There’s no question that Firth and his cameramen - who ranged in number from one to three - as well as Campbell and Trenholme repeatedly risked their necks to achieve one stupendous sequence after another. Why then allow such banal narration to intrude on such imagery and physical daring? Fortunately Richard Clements’ apt and varied score takes over in key sections. Despite the self-indulgent narrative, the film is a thoroughly exhilarating experience...” - (Kevin Thomas, “Hang- gliding and skiing mystique”, Los Angeles Times, March 10, 1977)

“Off the Edge is a supremely beautiful picture about alpine mystery and the freedom to excel in its midst [...] In every shot and sequence, whether filmed from the ground or the air, the grandeur of the Alps is an integral part of daring exploits by the men. No postcard views; no travelogue publicity. Off the Edge is the record of an experience that constantly merges with the poetic” - (Catherine de la Roche, The Dominion, September 19, 1977)

Off the Edge was nominated for Best Documentary Feature at the 1977 Academy Awards.