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Moving image

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Place of production
New Zealand/Aotearoa
Photography: Rupert Parr

01:16:44 Cars outside Wellington zoo, sign ‘The Zoo’, entrance gates. Intertitle ‘C Cutler Esq, curator.’ Man in suit poses [C. Cutler]. Scenes of crowds walking around zoo, house, man riding elephant in zoo grounds, elephant sits down, man feeds elephant, woman feeds elephant, man lies down under elephant, children ride on elephant around zoo. Monkeys in cage, man in suit feeds small monkeys, monkey in cage eating, monkeys at table having food, monkey on man’s back, monkey twirling and rolling on end of leash, monkeys being led with baby’s pram, monkeys having food in bowls, zookeepers watch, monkey cleans table then play with cloth. Zookeeper pours monkey cup of tea, large group of spectators, monkey rolling on table, monkey carrying chair.

Small monkeys in cage. Lion sitting in cage. Large brown bear eats leaves, stands up. Large red parrot. Peacock. Zookeepers pose. Various birds including pigeons, pheasants, cockatiel, finches. Kangaroos jump around enclosure. Turkey fans tail. Llama pricks up ears. Views of goat, emu, zookeeper patting deer, bison, dingo, lions, tigers being patted, swans.

Woman poses with two small children, older woman poses. Group of people beside lake. White swans, ducks, and other birds on pond. Small girl poses. Zoo buildings and environs. Baboon in cage, monkey being played with. Various zookeepers pose. Zookeeper plays with bird with foot. Views of name plates of animals. Woman plays with large dog on leash. Second woman with large dog. Two women lead puppies. Dogs in cage, woman holds two puppies, man in enclosure plays with dogs [Alaskan malamute]. More shots of various birds. Children ride on pony cart, woman pony cart driver. Kiwis eating on grass, walking about in daylight. Raccoon in cage, small black animals, pheasant at zookeeper’s feet. Woman calls white goat. Emu and ostriches in cages.