ONE NEWS. 06/02/2000

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New Zealand/Aotearoa
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Studio Presenter: Alison Mau
Studio Presenter: Simon Dallow
Sports Presenter: Bernadine Oliver-Kerby

News sport and weather.

One Network News is delayed due live coverage at Auckland’s viaduct basin.

15 mins: Prada Power: Italy will challenge New Zealand for the America’s Cup, the final moments of tension: Francesco de Angelis, Challenger: Paul Cayard, AmericaOne: Sir Peter Blake, Team New Zealand.

Waitangi Day: A nation celebrates the first Waitangi Day of the Millennium, protesters make their mark: Pita Paraone, Organiser, Waitangi Celebrations: Waka launch: Sir Michael Hardie Boys, Governor - General: 21 gun salute from naval ship.

Constitutional Comment: PM Helen Clark opens the republic debate, but say’s “it’s not a priority” at Okains Bay, Banks Peninsula where she held her Waitangi day celebrations: Sir Tipene O’Regan, Ngai Tahu.

Police Minister George Hawkins has ordered a top level review after new information of the controversial Crew Murder case, which includes the name of another suspect: Arthur Allen Thomas was twice convicted of murdering the Crews, who died in their home in 1970.

Train Crash: An overnight train has derailed in Germany, near Cologne, killing at least 200.

Mass demonstrations in Austria over the inclusion of the far right Freedom Party, in the country’s new coalition government: Mass demonstrations have rocked Austria leaving 60 people injured.

Two young holiday makers were beaten whilst on a camping trip in Thailand.

New Zealand’s peace keeping in East Timor in paving the way for the governments new defence strategy: Sgt. Mark Thompson, Carrier Commander: Mark Burton, Defence Minister says “there will be not cuts in defence spending, just changers”: Wayne Mapp, National Defence Spokesperson: John Moore, Australian Defence Minister.

Cut price haircuts for fundraising by Auckland’s top hair dressers.

No Smoking: A top level move to ban smoking in Restaurants & Cafe’s: Annette King, Health Minister: Leslie Werner, Globe Cafe: Paul Lester, Krazy Lounge.

Drunken teenagers in Auckland were involved in at least 25 incidents with police over the weekend: Inspector John Esdaile, Auckland Police.

South African Doctor has admitted falsifying breast cancer research: New Zealand Cancer Society says the treatment is not is use here.

One Close Up: Louis Vuitton Series on the Hauraki Gulf.