A compilation of news highlights from the decade of the 1940s as filmed by Wellington cameraman Victor Baird.
(1) The funeral procession down Wellington streets for New Zealand Prime Minister Michael Joseph Savage in April 1940. Newspaper clippings: "The City Pays Its Silent Tribute". Trucks covered in floral wreaths [tributes] coming from alleyway between Parliament Buildings. Soldiers in rows outside Parliament Buildings [taken from Hill Street]. Funeral procession; trucks with flowers, bands and armed forces personnel marching and casket on gun carriage moving along Customhouse Quay; deep crowds at sides of road. View of crowds outside Wellington Railway Station, Bunny Street.
(2) Title: “Welcome Achilles to Wellington”. The HMNZS 'Archilles' band and sailors march in formation along Bunny Street and Lambton Quay.
(3) Title: “27th Feb 1941 His Excellency, The Governor-General Air-Marshal, Sir Cyril Newall, Visits Rongotai Air Base”; car arriving. Titles followed by activity: “His Excellency takes The Salute”, “Inspecting The Guard of Honour, and the band”, “His Excellency inspects T.T.S.”, “Sir Cyril leaves the base”.
“N.Z. W.A.A.F. have come to stay”, “Voluntary Drill Parade at Rongotai Air Base”. W.A.A.Fs marching in Centennial Exhibition grounds.
“Some of the duties effectively carried out by the W.A.A.F”; women maintaining vehicles, working in stores area, preparing food and laying tables.
(4) Pages of newspaper[s]; banners: “The War In Italy Ended”, “Another German Surrender”. Military parade marching down Willis Street, Wellington. Pictures of Stalin, Churchill, Roosevelt with flags etc. on verandah of “Royal Oak Hotel”. Highland pipe band. Shot panning down showing “Victory” sign, sashes, flags etc. on Evening Post Building. Shots of large crowds outside Old Government Building and in Basin Reserve.
(5) The Evening Post front page; banner: “Japan Accepts Terms...”. Thousands of people celebrating VJ Day [in Willis, Manners Streets, Wellington]. Crowds packed into street waving and rejoicing. Maori airman with bottle of wine. Sailors with bottles of beer singing. Dancing in the streets. Willis street completely full of revellers. Band playing on hotel veranda. People walking along Manners Street with linked arms. Bands passing. Mercer Street filled with people.