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Moving image

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Place of production
New Zealand/Aotearoa
Production company
Industrial Films

This black and white promotional film documents the manufacture of biscuits at the J.B. Bruce factory in Timaru. It begins with a man and his niece discussing biscuits at home who then go on to to visit the factory for a guided tour as the manufacturing process is narrated.

Title: “Land of Sunshine and Fresh - Air, New Zealand The Gem of the South. Will we retain this delightful heritage or will the sacrifice and effort of our pioneers be for naught?”
Intertitle: “There is one way Support the Country that supports you! In other words....Buy N.Z. made goods.”
Intertitle: “N.Z Industries, The Manufacture of Biscuits by courtesy of J.R. Bruce Ltd. Timaru.”

Opening Narration.
“What are you eating dear?”
“Biscuits Uncle.”
“Biscuits eh, well well. I wonder if you have ever thought of how time it takes to make these biscuits?”

General Views: Man and young girl talking in garden.
General Views: Young girl waiting in car while man enters factory building.
General Views: Men unloading sacks of wheat from truck with sign “Bruces Ltd. Biscuit Manufacturers.”
General Views: Men inspecting machinery inside flour mill and filling sacks with flour.
General Views: Sacks of flour being emptied into opening in floor of mill.
General Views: Man pouring bucket of wet ingredients into dough kneading machine.
General Views: Mass of dough inside dough kneading machine being unloaded into cart.
General Views: Dough passing through rolling machines.
General Views: Dough passing through stamping, embossing and cutting machines - men removing surplus dough and servicing machines.
General Views: Men placing trays of biscuits on conveyor belts of industrial ovens.
Men removing trays of baked biscuits from industrial oven.
General Views: Women hand filling biscuits with cream and piping icing onto biscuits.
General Views: Women standing at conveyor belts packing biscuits into boxes.
Men servicing wafer biscuit machine and pouring batter into receptacle.
Batter being poured onto plate of wafer biscuit machine.
Man removing wafer biscuit from machine.
General Views: Woman spreading cream across sheets of wafer biscuits and passing them through cutting machine.
Wafer biscuits being packed into biscuit box.
Young girl walking from factory door.
End Title: “What N.Z. Makes - Makes N.Z. Industrial Films (N.Z.) Ltd.”