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Rights Information
Media type
Moving image
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Place of production
New Zealand/Aotearoa
Broadcast Date
Production company
Presenter: Gary McCormaCk
Photography: Murray Milne
Photography: Peter Read
Sound: Michael Westgate
Sound: Leighton Clapham
Sound: Terry King
Additional Photography: Rewa Harre
Camera Assistants: Mark Tierney
Camera Assistants: Peter Crann
Production Manager: Yvette Thomas
Research: Jane McCartney
Editor: Bill Toepfer
Producer: William Grieve
Director: Bruce Morrison

000:00 Lead in shots.
000:20 HEARTLAND presented by Maggie Barry
000:23 GREY LYNN Summer in the City
Auckland’s Grey Lynn is a melting pot of mixed working class groups, a strong Polynesian community and with a new overlay of urban dwellers of all races, classes and backgrounds. Together they make a highly colourful urban culture unique in New Zealand.
001:58 “Ray Mills” - reflects on his life growing up poor, in a state house and dreaming of one day owning a house like the one up the road. Today, he actually owns that very same house with ‘its imposing stairs and a verandah right around.’
004:06 The Yandall Sisters and their families still return to their Grey Lynn family home, most Sundays. Their parents Jim and Nova were amongst the first Samoan families to settle here in 1954.
004:20 “The Yandall Sisters” - turned professional singers in 1971.
004:57 “James Tanuvasa Yandall” - says their were mainly old people in Grey Lynn when they moved there, but eventually families moved in and had children and the area prospered.
005:41 “Gerhard Lottermoser, Gerhard’s Cafe” - says if feels like you’re in Samoa. It’s fantastic to look outside and see Polynesians going to church etc. Coming from Europe and seeing the Pacific thing is great.
006:23 “Finney Lanigan, Lanigan’s Cafe” - his dog howls when he plays the mouth organ.
007:19 “Montage Recording Studio Murdoch St”
007:29 “Napoleon Talima and The Lost Liku Lovers” - in recording studio.
008:37 “Chuck Thompson Headmaster” - Grey Lynn Primary School puts the final touches to the new swimming pool which is to be opened and dedicated to Tavita Solomona.
010:40 “Simone Solomona” - speaks about the work her husband did a lot for the school.
011:01 “Rosalina Solomona” - speaks highly of her brothers and her father.
014:46 The inscription on the unveiled plaque reads ‘D.M.T. Solomona Swimming Pool Opened by Mrs Solomona On Nov. 21st 1992 In Recognition for making this dream a reality.’
016:06 “Mark McNeilage” - parent whose daughter is in the whanau bi-lingual class.
017:01 “Kaaren Hiyama - Rick Mann “900” Magazine”
019:55 “Ladies Nuiean Cricket Finals”
020:43 “Losa Gahuataina” - sits on the sideline talking to Maggie about the game.
023:21 “Mathew Watson Euroscooter” - young motor scooter enthusiasts.
024:39 “Cox’s Creek Regatta”
025:08 “Jim Keogh”
025:36 “Peter Cairney, David Armstrong”
028:11 “Jean Van Der Putten and Andrew Van Der Putten” - potters.
032:31 “Les Mills Mayor of Auckland”
035:27 “Jools Topp & Linda Topp - The Topp Twins”
036:52 Grey Lynn Park is the centre of many cultural events, home of the Richmond Rovers Rugby League Club and Maggie takes a look at the finals summer touch football competitions.
037:16 “Afi AH Khoi Tournament Organiser”
038:27 “Tavita Solomona”
039:25 “Ron McGregor” - talks to Maggie about the Richmond Club and the changes over the years.
041:10 “Fred Ah Khoi”
041:55 “Richard Prebble MP Auckland Central”