6.30 NEWS & TOP HALF. 16/02/1987

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6.30 News
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New Zealand/Aotearoa
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News, sport and weather.

Main stories:
The Government is warning firemen planning strike action tomorrow that it won’t respond to industrial threats. David Lange says if they want more money they should take their case to the Public Sector Tribunal. He says it’s the Fire Service Commission, and not the Government, which will decide on how to prevent the planned strike. The Commission is still deliberating, but its understood injunction proceedings are being prepared to stop the strike action. Speakers: David Lange (Prime Minister), Gordon Latham (Volunteer Fireman), Geoff Summers (Northern Firemens’ Union).

The Prime Minister today confirmed Network News reports that key figures in the Maori Affairs loan scandal had previously worked for the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). David Lange says New Zealand intelligence inquiries revealed some people involved in the affairs definitely had CIA connections, but he says no evidence has been found that the affairs was a CIA operation. Meanwhile the National Party has been linked to an organisation that was used to funnel funds for Oliver North’s Iran-Contra operation. Speaker: David Lange (Prime Minister), Jim Bolger (Opposition Leader).

The Government is to foot the bill to keep open about 600 Post Offices that don’t cover their costs. The money will be paid by the three new Post Office corporations that start up on 1 April. Two reports. Speakers: Jonathan Hunt (Postmaster General).

Other Stories:
Peter Joseph Holdem, the man accused of murdering 6 year old Christchurch girl Louisa Damodran, was in court today for a depositions hearing.

The Labour Party has ruled Parliaments speaker, Dr Gerard Wall, out of order in his attempt to stand again in the General Election. The Party says Wall’s age makes him ineligible for the Porirua nomination, but he disputes this.

The search for hostage negotiator Terry Waite continues in Lebanon. Meanwhile a siege on Palestinian refugee camps in Beirut haves been partially lifted.

Queensland’s controversial Premier Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen has decided to stand for Prime Minister.

The Soviet dissident Iosif Begun has been released.

An interim injunction has been granted stopping tomorrow’s firemen strike.

A controversial television series about a Soviet occupied America, “Amerika”, began on US television tonight, sparking a sharp reaction in the Soviet Union. Stars New Zealander Sam Neil.

The tanker “Kowloon Bridge” continues to leak oil off the coast of Cork, Ireland.

West Indies vs President’s XI cricket score.

Greg Norman won the Australian Masters Open golf tournament.

All Whites Coach Kevin Fallon says the team is better off without Billy Harris, who walked out on the squad on the weekend. Speaker: Kevin Fallon (All Whites Coach).

World Indoor Bowls Championship result.


Top Half.