ONE NEWS. 26/06/2004

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The Government has revealed a serious labour shortage in the construction and infrastructure sectors Rick van Barneveld (Transit NZ); Leigh Bishop (Construction Project Mgr.); Tino Pereira (Pacific Community Leader).

Staff at a South Auckland company, Fort Richards Laboratories, have been threatened with redundancy unless they speak anything other than English. Mervin Singham (Human Rights Commission); Melanie Anae (University of Auckland Director of Pacific Studies).

The US has stepped up its hunt for the Jordanian militant allegedly responsible for a number of terrorist attacks in Iraq. Also, further discussion of the impending handover of power in Iraq. Dilip Hiro (Middle East expert); Falah Al-Nakib (Interim Interior Minister).

Ports across the country have had to make a number of changes to their security arrangements in order to comply with US goods entry requirements. voxpop (truckies); Tony Martin (Maritime Safety Authority); Liz Ward (Centreport); Will Harvey (Ports of Auckland).

Thousands of anti-war protestors greet George W. Bush's arrival on a brief visit to Ireland.

Britain's Attorney-General, Lord Goldsmith QC, has criticised American plans to try detainees at Guantanamo Bay in military tribunals. Lord Goldsmith QC (British Attorney-General); Azmat Begg (Father of a Guantanamo Bay detainee).

Inquiries have begun into the Los Angeles police caught on camera beating an African-American suspect.

The environmental lobby group, Forest and Bird, has delivered a petition containing 100,000 signatures to the United Nations, urging action on fishing practices by pirate fishing vessels that are threatening the albatross in the Southern Ocean. Kevin Hackwell (Forest and Bird).

A new invention that allows consumers to see their power bill growing has been touted as a way of reducing energy consumption. The device is currently being trialled in Canterbury schools. Craig Mullian (school Principal); Ross Haliwell (inventor).