Dr Rangimārie Turuki Rose Pere CBE CM (1937 - ) - Te Āitanga ā Tiki, Tūhoe Pōtiki, Ruapani, Ngāti Kahungunu, Te Aitanga ā Hauiti, Rongowhakaata (Image - Soul Places Movie)
Born at Ōpūtao, Ruatāhuna, Rangimārie Pere lived with her maternal grandparents for her first seven years on ancestral land at Ōhiwa, near Whakatāne.
Pere explains her understanding of the term Maioha and reminisces about her early upbringing.
Collection reference 42200
Year 1993
Credits Interviewer: Puhi Rangiaho
Iwi and Land
Pere was educated in ancient wānanga from her elders at Waikaremoana at an early age.
In this clip she discusses her iwi affiliations and connectedness to the land.
Collection reference 42200
Year 1993
Credits Interviewer: Puhi Rangiaho
Rangimārie Pere began her education at Kōkako Native School, Lake Waikaremoana, before attending Hukarere Māori Girl’s College north of Napier. Rose then completed studies at Wellington College of Education graduating with a New Zealand Teacher’s Certificate in 1957.
Listen as Rose talks about her education.
Collection reference 42200
Year 1993
Credits Interviewer: Puhi Rangiaho
Suffrage, Christianity and Women in Society
Rangimārie balanced teachings from both ancient wānanga and the Pākehā education system and acquired a depth of knowledge of both cultures.
In this clip she discusses suffrage, Christianity and the role of women in traditional Māori Society.
Collection reference 42200
Year 1993
Credits Interviewer: Puhi Rangiaho
Teaching Te Reo and Kura Kaupapa
Pere built a career as a teacher, educational adviser and school inspector. In 1989 after 33 years she retired reaching the status of Senior Inspector of Schools. Since retiring she has remained active in education fields establishing total immersion classes for children graduating from Kōhanga Reo.
Listen as Rose talks about the importance of te reo Māori in schools and Kura Kaupapa Māori.
Collection reference 42200
Year 1993
Credits Interviewer: Puhi Rangiaho
The Privilege of Being Woman
Pere was the Young Māori Woman of the Year in 1972, was awarded the Commemoration Medal in 1990 and became a Commander of the British Empire receiving her C.B.E. in 1996.
In this excerpt Rose talks mainly in English about the privilege of being a woman.
Collection reference 42200
Year 1993
Credits Interviewer: Puhi Rangiaho